
Environmental September 27, 2023
New Rolls-Royce engine for hybrid-electric flight ...

A new Rolls-Royce small gas turbine that has been specifically developed to...

Aviation September 19, 2023
WestJet endorses widescale Canadian production of ...

Chief Executive Officer, Alexis von Hoensbroech attends 24th World Petroleu...

Aviation September 19, 2023
LanzaJet Strengthens Collaboration with Technip En...

Alliance Integrates the Companies’ Technologies and Leverages Combined Glob...

Environmental September 07, 2023
Consortium lays pathway for green hydrogen aviatio...

The potential for up to 900,000 tonnes of carbon emissions to be removed e...

Technology February 14, 2020
Delta commits $1 billion to become first carbon ne...

Starting March 1, 2020, Delta Air Lines is committing $1 billion over the n...

Sustainable fuels January 31, 2020
Gevo Supplies Avfuel with Sustainable Aviation Fue...

Gevo, a leading sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) producer, announced it has ...

Sustainable fuels January 30, 2020
Delta partners with Northwest Advanced Bio-Fuels a...

Building on its $2 million investment for an ongoing feasibility study with...

Sustainable fuels January 30, 2020
A4A Applauds Approval of New Sustainable Aviation ...

Airlines for America (A4A), the industry trade organization for the leading...

Disaster response January 29, 2020
Boeing Donates 250,000 Medical Masks to Battle Cor...

Donation will be directed to local health officials in Wuhan City, Hubei Pr...

Infrastructure January 24, 2020
High-tech, low-carbon concrete project a Canadian ...

New deicing pad made with CarbonCure Concrete, reducing 160 tonnes of carbo...

Disaster response January 17, 2020
The UPS Foundation Mobilizes Global Relief Network...

The UPS Foundation, which leads the global citizenship programs for UPS, an...

Infrastructure January 15, 2020
Tampa Airport named first bike-friendly Airport in...

Tampa International Airport was named the first bicycle-friendly Airport in...