
Environmental March 23, 2022
Hamburg Airport the first CO2-neutral airport in G...

Hamburg Airport is the first major commercial airport in Germany to achieve...

Environmental March 18, 2022
Brisbane Airport commits to Clean Skies for Tomorr...

Brisbane Airport Corporation (BAC) has signed the World Economic Forum’s Cl...

Environmental December 15, 2021
Milano Malpensa Airport obtains the highest climat...

Milano Malpensa Airport has achieved Level 4+ ‘Transition’ of Airport Carbo...

Environmental December 14, 2021
Palermo Airport leverages SITA technology to accel...

The technology enables airports to measure and manage Scope 3 emissions.

Aviation December 09, 2021
Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK) Announces Targe...

Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK) today unveiled the target and strategy t...

Environmental February 09, 2016
ACI commends ICAO on global agreement on CO2 stand...

Montreal - Governments, industry and environmental groups meeting at the In...