
Economic measures January 19, 2021
Etihad Airways boosts carbon offset programme

Following the purchase of 80,000 tonnes of Carbon Offsets in November, Etih...

Climate solutions July 17, 2020
Qatar Airways Remains Committed to A Sustainable O...

Qatar Airways is one of the few global airlines to have never stopped flyin...

Sustainable fuels July 09, 2020
Post-COVID-19 Green Recovery Must Embrace Sustaina...

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) emphasized the aviation ...

Efficiency in the air July 09, 2020
Air France chooses SkyBreathe® eco-flying solution...

Air France is today pursuing its efforts in terms of innovation for carbon ...

CORSIA July 01, 2020
IATA Welcomes ICAO Council Decision on CORSIA

Geneva - The International Air Transport Association (IATA) welcomes the de...